Fair Transport in detail
Sustainable transport carried out by responsible haulage companies
Road transport is a central part of a system where trucks are part of a transport chain comprising the first and last stages of the journey while short distance and local delivery services constitute the transport system’s capillary network. When it comes to the environmental impact of the transportation of goods, trucks generate greenhouse gas emissions, create congestion, noise and produce particulate matter. In total haulage companies in Sweden employ about 150,000 people. As a consequence, price pressure has contributed to a debate about social conditions and a haulage industry in free fall. In general, the haulage industry has a huge responsibility for ensuring road safety standards.

From price to qualiy
The shift in the way transport services are procured is clear. Today, more and more transport buyers are demanding low emission services. Leading the way in this is the public sector which has set clear, precise and far-reaching requirements which are currently driving the change process towards lower emission transportation services carried out by financially strong haulage suppliers.
We are clearly witnessing a paradigm change in the perception of how transport services are utilized. More and more producers are looking at the overall environmental impact of transporting their goods from factory to market. This insight also means that transport is now taken into account in sustainability calculations – not only for the product in question, but rather for the entire operations of the company. This can be clearly seen when looking at the sustainability reports that more and more companies now use as a transparent part of their environmental reporting which makes new demands on the facts they make public. Today the focus is on calculating how all the parts of a company’s business operations, including transport, affect its environmental footprint. Customers that value responsible carriers that can offer sustainable transport solutions have increased in number as a result. As an industry, we will make sure that we meet this rising demand. Fair Transport is an important piece of the puzzle in the shift in how transport services are valued and utilized. Fair Transport aims to replace price competition with sustainability competition. Certification both clarifies and makes visible the change process that is now taking place. All efforts should result in better business practices which have as little impact on human health and the environment as possible. It is what we call sustainable business for everyone.

An initiative of hauliers and transport service providers
Fair Transport was created as an initiative of the haulage companies. Th idea was to make sustainable transport visible, provide transport buyers with transparent and reliable information and support haulers during the change process. Since 2014, the initiative has highlighted companies that take a stand for sustainable transport. In 2019, Fair Transport was strengthened and refined taking it from being and initiative to a commitment. Certification practices have progressed in stages as a way to meet the expectations of customers and the greater market. With heightened expectations and changing demands from customers, consumers and society at large, we also need to change the way we operate. The time for change is now here.
In 2021, Fair Transport took a new step forward. Based on the same purpose and goals as we started with, but with requirements and criteria adapted to suit the market of today, we shifted our focus from a pledge to sustainability certification for road freight transport.
Fair Transport will strengthen the standing of serious hauliers and transport providers in what is a highly competitive market making it easier for responsible transport buyers to choose the right carrier for their needs. When you buy services from a Fair Transport certified company, you are not only buying a transport solution from a haulage company that meets legal requirements in terms of road safety, emissions and the work environment. You are also signing a contract with a haulage company that evaluates, transparently reports and takes responsibility for continuous improvements to its business model. All this is compiled and presented in their Fair Transport sustainability certification profile. Overall, this means that you can rely on your supplier to get the job done to your own standards. Certified companies regularly report business data that is openly displayed in a sustainability report here on our site. Their reported figures are in turn checked by an independent third-party auditor thus creating a reliable and sustainable transport chain.

What is required of a Fair Transport company?
Fair Transport certification comprises 3 levels of added value. The criteria for each level differ, but in general cover the areas of climate and the environment, road safety and responsibility. Read more about levels and criteria ››
Fair Transport has, in addition to the above-mentioned criteria, a comprehensive set of terms of use that certified companies must adhere to. In addition to this, company data is checked in several stages – at the time of registration and annual updates and otherwise by a third party.
Read more about control and certification ››
We in the haulage industry aim to do our part to enable the necessary transition that society is facing today. This change will affect all parts of our operations. Undoubtably, there will be a number of challenges and problems along the way, but that is not going to stop us. We see Fair Transport as an investment that is moving our industry in a new direction. We envision a haulage industry that can offer highly professional transport solutions with a zero percent negative impact on our environment and society in general. By working together, we are confident that we will get there.