For the consumer
We make sustainable and Fair Transport visible
The road haulage industry plays a central role in the Swedish economy and in Swedish society as a whole. Virtually everything we come in contact with has been transported by truck in one or more stages. This applies from industrial components to finished goods, food delivered to the shops, food for school meals, building materials for construction sites, timber from logging sites and temperature-controlled vaccine deliveries to hospitals. The haulage industry plays a central role in the circular economy as it transports end-of-life goods and products to recycling centers or for landfill.

Increased sustainability requirements
The transport of goods by truck has been on the rise for many years and predictions are that there will be a continued increase in the foreseeable future. Structural changes in the way business is done and increased demands on transport solutions that deliver the right amount of product at the right time are important drivers. So too is the increase we have seen in recent years of e-commerce. Trucks are unbeatable in their flexibility and door-to-door capability. At the same time as the volume of road transport increases, so too does the demand for sustainable transportation solutions. The sustainable development of the transport sector is the industry’s most important driver in our modern economy. In order to facilitate and strengthen this, The Swedish Association of Road Transport Companies has created Fair Transport. Fair Transport helps transport buyers to choose the right solution for them while strengthening the position of responsible haulage companies in the face of increasingly tough competition.
Sustainable development of the transport sector is the most important issue faced by our industry today. Fair Transport helps transport buyers to choose their suppliers wisely while at the same time strengthening those haulage companies that take their future seriously in an increasingly tough market. We ensure compliance with our set criteria by using third-party auditors. When you see a truck that has the Fair Transport logo on the side you can rest assured that it belongs to a haulage company that takes good care of its staff and cares about both safety and the environment.

Sustainable transport
The impact of the transport of goods on the environment and to human health mainly consists of emissions of environmentally harmful particles and greenhouse gases as well as noise and road congestion. As companies invest in new, modern vehicles and switch over to alternative, renewable fuels, their climate and environmental footprints are reduced. Their drivers are constantly on the road, and they take road safety very seriously. Currently Swedish haulage companies employ around 150,000 people and we want to offer them secure employment, good working conditions and a brighter future. Fair Transport is the haulage industry’s way of making visible the efforts made by reputable industry players defining their sustainability processes in terms of social responsibility, the environment, the climate and road safety.
An important starting point for change is that we want to move away from the ‘lowest price wins the contract’ principal and shift towards a customer requirement-based system that meets specific demands. In this way we can collectively bring about a change where sustainable transport is the obvious choice. With the help of Fair Transport certification, we are able to better understand why overall transport costs should be based on more than just the price of a delivery of a package. It is also about offering fair working conditions, focusing on road safety and constantly improving the energy efficiency of our fleets. Only in this way can reasonable prices be set for a shipment thereby creating conditions for sustainable deliveries. We think you will agree.

Easier to make the right choice
For us as consumers, it is far easier to ask for a source of origin certified, organic fruit than to find out how it has been transported. We can keep track of how products are produced on the other side of the world but have no idea how our fruit has been transported from its port of arrival and the grocery store’s central warehouse. We aim to change that and make the transport chain visible. In this way it will be much easier for the conscious consumer to take responsibility for their consumption habits and the emissions associated with them. Fair Transport is a sustainability initiative that was created by Swedish haulage companies and which highlights good transportation practices and shows that a continuous improvement for the responsible, climate-smart and safe transport of goods is possible. Fair Transport will help transport buyers to choose the right solution for them and strengthen the standing of serious, responsible haulage companies in an increasingly tough market.
Towards a brighter future
The need for transport services will not fall in the foreseeable future. Instead, predictions are that there will be a significant increase. This places huge demands on the industry to ensure that shipments are transported as safely, climate-smart and responsibly as possible. With Fair Transport, we have created what are perhaps the toughest obligations in the world for the transport industry. And it’s about time that someone did. Today, when many people care about where products originate from, how animals are treated and whether workers are paid a decent living wage, few ask about the logistics chain that is the foundation of modern business. Now it is the haulage industry that is focusing on value added transport services by leading the way and placing high demands on our own business practices
Fair Transport certification is the transport industry’s way of taking responsibility for what we do while at the same time contributing to the much awaited transformation in transportation practices that society is looking for today. Together we can create a safe and sustainable future.